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tamoadmin 2024-08-26





Shaquille O ' Neal was born on March 6, 12 in Newark, New Jersey. Step-father of Xia Lixun o ' Neill (Philip Harrison) in the army when he was two years old, due to relieve often, so he needs a regular move. Young Neill has been longer than other children of the same age too tall and big, also very playful, often the lessons by his father. Father at the age of 13 he started teaching him basketball that year, when he had six feet eight inches tall, but not the slam dunk. In that year, United States basketball Brown of the University of Louisiana (Dale Brown) to Germany US military base for talks, o ' Neill also to lecture attendance. Brown thought he was a soldier at that time, only at the age of 13 when he learned that he is surprised, immediately the Neill brought his Xia Lixun, and hope to be able to take him to the University of Louisiana. A year later, Xia Lixun relief to United States San Antonio, Texas, Neill's basketball talent attracted attention immediately on the ground, attract a lot of college basketball Scout to visit, in the end, he chose University of Louisiana, becoming a member of Brown.

While in his early s, he went to Louisiana State University (LSU) and entered the commercial Department, and joined the University's basketball team. When he was on the LSU basketball team, he has made two NCAA national player of the South. In 1991, he had more NCAA national player. On December 3, 1990, the events at Mississippi State University, he made 17 assists, breaking the NCAA record of assists per game.

After leing University, he participate in the 1992 NBA talent, chosen by Orlando Magic team to first place at the time. In 1995 to 1996NBA after the season, he left Orlando Magic team. Subsequently, he was with the Los Angeles Lakers signed a 7-year, $ 120 million worth of contracts, officially join the Los Angeles Lakers. Period of three successive Championships (, 99-00, 01-02) can be said to be Neill career peak, while the team tried to reduce their defensive ends on the field of power, including the famous "Hack-a-Shaq (Hack-the-Shaq)", but results not, o ' Neill also self-styled as "the strongest in the History Center (MDE, Most Dominant Ever)". In the playoffs in three years, Neill, like Jordan, playoffs most valuable player award three years in a row, fengtou burn it up. 2005-06 season, although Neill's strength compared to previous quarters had to be slashed, but with the help of Dwyane Wade, eventually solved with 4-2 Pistons, led the team to break into the finals for the first time in history, and from behind 0-2 's case, self-contained 4 anti-win Dallas Mericks, get the history of the Club's first championship. Neill also made individual 4th, is also in the absence of Kobe Bryant's first championship ring with the assistance.

No one can know what 2007-2008 Neill of the season there will be, but we can be sure he will give us surprises, let our common concern.



篮球运动员的英语:Basketball players。读音:英[?bɑ?sk?tb?l ?ple?z],美[?b?sk?tb?l ?ple?rz]。


1、LeBron James(勒布朗·詹姆斯):是一名职业篮球运动员,现效力于洛杉矶湖人队。他的个人荣誉包括4次NBA总冠军、4次NBA最有价值球员、2次奥运会金牌等。他被认为是现代篮球运动员中最全面的球员之一,拥有出色的得分、篮板、助攻、抢断和封盖数据。

2、Kobe Bryant(科比·布莱恩特):是一名已故的职业篮球运动员,曾效力于洛杉矶湖人队。他的个人荣誉包括5次NBA总冠军、1次NBA最有价值球员、2次奥运会金牌等。他被认为是现代篮球运动员中最具天赋和最全面的球员之一。

3、Michael Jordan(迈克尔·乔丹):是一名已退役的职业篮球运动员,被誉为“篮球之神”。他的个人荣誉包括6次NBA总冠军、5次NBA最有价值球员、2次奥运会金牌等。他被认为是篮球历史上最伟大的球员之一,拥有出色的得分、篮板、助攻、抢断和封盖数据。








